Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The 'Quick Fix' Problem: Intervention no. 6

 The Quick-Fix Doesn't Always Take

Finding God in the Daily

 Commit your way to the Lord;
    trust in him, and he will act.
 Psalm 37:5  ESV

You can't do better unless you have a vision for what 'better' looks like. I discovered that we in the church are confused about our 'why.' That's what this intervention series is about.

SOME THINGS IN THE CHURCH seemed strange to me once I started paying attention without rose-colored glasses on. Sisters and brothers were falling away from faith. Why couldn’t they sustain their belief? The church thought they were rebellious. But were they? Looking back now, I realize some of these individuals, especially the ones that questioned, were not understood very well. There was more to it than was obvious at first blush.

People were seen as either in the camp or outside the camp. There was little gray area or room to debate areas of struggle. The many issues of questionable or wrong behaviors were lumped together and labeled as sinful behavior. Some were, but some were not. The common solution offered in most cases was to repent and get right with God. 

Somewhat like after the prodigal’s return, when a person did get right with God, there would be a return to the church, God, and God’s ways, as set forth by the church and based on biblical principles. It was assumed the prodigal would experience spiritual victory with a return to righteous, spiritual living. Such, was the logical conclusion. 

Though logical, it didn't always work out that way. People still struggled. Although the pattern for the faithful life was formulated with good intentions and valued for addressing truth as it relates to scripture, it had one major flaw. Better said, it had one glaring, missing component, a major lack within its parameters for living a victorious Christian life. The teaching didn't go far enough.

Some have stumbled upon the missing element, like I did. Others have found it as they drew closer and closer to the all knowing Source. Some continue on as they have have been taught, equating salvation, prayer, bible reading, bible study, and obedience as the express parts that make up the whole of Christian living. Yet, there still is that glaring defect. One only has to look around to notice a serious conundrum. The problem is, the formula doesn't work for everyone.

Too many stop short of going further still, because
     a) they aren't interested,
          b) they don't know it's possible, and
               c) they don't know how to get there.

That's the case I'm building here, day after day, post after post.

You will learn
      1. What the problem looks like in the Christian community.
          2. How to deal with it by using an evergreen solution.
               3. The joy and healing the solution produces in individuals,
                    communities, and globally.

That is what this is about. An intervention is curative. It uncovers why past practices don't work for everyone and it helps change it up. Your better spiritual life is not about doing things right or being a good person. It is about developing a personal relationship with God that is life-giving, healing, health building, gracious, intimate, and real.

More tomorrow.

Dearest Father. Thank you for giving us this message of hope. Amen

To God be the Glory

A Message of life.
Daily Inspiration 44

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