Tuesday, March 19, 2019

God Alone, Really? -- Inspiration 37

The Trouble with Idolizing

Finding God in the Daily

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3  KJV

It creeps me out when I see Christians idolize pastors and leaders with celebratory status. They are not gods. It concerns me when parents idolize their children to the extreme. I think we must be careful lest we worship a person or thing rather than God. It's called idolatry. Let's be free of it.

A FORM OF IDOLATRY happens in some Christian homes. Idolizing someone or some thing leads to wrong-minded thinking about the person or thing. This type of idolizing occurs when the person or thing is put on a pedestal and viewed worshipfully and possessively. God says that He alone is to be worshiped. A parent may idolize their talented child and attribute over-zealous attention to the child's success. In a relationship, one friend can idolize the other friend and practically worship the ground they walk on. Almost anything is subject to this temptation i.e. politics, religion, nature, culture, pleasures.

Families can idolize their roots; 
     churches, their denominations; 
          institutions, their status; 
               sports, their heroes;
                    individuals, their achievements.

To revere and hold in high regard any of these is fine. Heroes and such are important to the conversation. People's passions are fine, as well. Spiritually speaking, the problem surfaces when people, things, and accomplishments are elevated to god-like status. They probably don't know they're doing that nor do they know that idolizing can become a form of idolatry, which is offensive to God. It is a subtle thing that as it grows gets out of hand. Attention placed where it belongs and according to God's truths keeps a right focus. Little gods have no place in the Christian life. And that's a good thing. God alone deserves our praise and worship.

Dear Father God. We're sorry for idolizing people and other things. Forgive us, we ask. Thank you. You are holy. You are mighty and just. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus name, Amen.

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