Thursday, March 7, 2019

When in Doubt -- Inspiration 25

The Problem with Doubt

Doubt is hard to figure out. Some doubt is of the natural flesh, other doubt is from an outside influence like Satan in the Garden, and some doubt is like a caution from God. It can be confusing to discern the origin of the doubtful thought.

 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.
1 Corintians 14:33  NASB

DOUBT DISTRESSES and may cause disruption and discouragement. Yet doubt is part of life. A message is pondered and considered. Then the doubt comes in. Some doubts get people off-track. They shed light on some entity that should not be pursued. Doubts should be considered in prayer. God gives wisdom and understanding. God can be asked for confirmation of His will. Doubts that originate from selfishly or sinfully motivated actions cannot be from God. God never contradicts His nature, Himself, or His will. The best way to address doubt is to stay close to God so there is nothing between the person and Him. God delivers. If the doubt is against God and God's ways, then Satan may be influencing an outcome. Beware of his tactics. In contrast, God's influences are centered, peaceful and life-giving. Doubts come to all. Use them as a stepping stone in the right direction. Seek wisdom and pray for discernment. Pay attention and listen. Allow time. God will come along side, help you move in the right direction, and He will strengthen you in the process.  

Heavenly Father, we know not because we ask not. During times of doubts, we can be confused and unsettled. Please help us know what is of You and what is not of You. Thank you, dear Father. Amen.

To God be the Glory

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