Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Controversy's Arc -- Inspiration 32

 Christians and Controversy

Finding God in the Daily

For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-8
"If you are drawn into controversy, use very hard arguments and very soft words. Frequently you cannot convince a man by tugging at his reason, but you can persuade him by winning his affections.” - C.H. Spurgeon

CONSTANT CONTROVERSY SWIRLS around us. People are entrenched in their way of thinking as are others of the opposite opinion. Such debates are like ugly fests to see who can top the other in their accusations. Controversy surfaces in the form of members of society fighting a war of words in an open-ended tug-of-war over controversial matters. For representatives of Christ, a standard of acceptable behavior is the expectation. Beyond the ethical disparity of differing beliefs in any given group, believers should represent the values God set forth and Jesus lived. A disconnect between belief and behavior would suggest something is off. Here is an amazing thing, I never once saw my Christian grandparents voice anger at each other or at others. All four were of the brethren church tradition. Their behavior was well intentioned. They purposed to live a quiet but strong quality in their lifestyles. It can be done. A self-respecting individual maintains presence and respects the dignity of others even when they are not respected back. Hot topics spark controversy and some should be challenged and debated. Strong and dignified gets the job done. A caution is in order. Be slow to enter the fray unless 1) you can keep your cool when you are verbally attacked, 2) you can say the truth in love when you are confronted, 3) you can dial back your emotions when you need to reclaim reason, and 4) when your content is well-thought out. Let your life speak loudly and if you have to, use words. "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words," is a phrase attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. 

Dear God, may we speak truth at all times. May we speak love at all times. May the two intertwine in times of controversy and dismay. Amen

To God be the Glory   

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I INVITE YOU to read my weekly post at my formal blog, N. L. Brumbaugh, A Transformed Life. You can view the blog here. I post it on Wednesdays. Have a great day.

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