Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Unconventional Christianity -- Inspiration 30

Go For It!  

  You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual 
house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual 
sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 2:5

Our gifts and talents mixed with the Holy Spirit's promptings make for an interesting life. Sensitivity to the Spirit's quiet voice and active listening and then acting on the promptings means you're becoming real. The focus changes from self to others.
THE UNCONVENTIONAL CHRISTIAN doesn't do Christianity the traditional way. They walk the walk according to the Spirit's compelling. Once they realize it is God giving these thoughts to them, they begin to be responsive. The thought comes in. Immediately or as soon as possible they go into action, no matter what it is. Every day meets with surprises.

Go here, go there. *Talk to that man over there, he's having a hard time. *Remember the announcement in church? Send $60 to the Smith family. *You need to go visit your auntie in the hospital. Right now. Drop everything and go. *See that woman over there, help her with her groceries. *You know, Mike? Send him an encouragement card. He needs to know he's appreciated. *And Pastor So and So, he would sure be tickled to get a home-baked strawberry pie, especially because it means you care. *Fast for a week for greater sensitivity in your ministry. *Commit to volunteering at the soup kitchen every week. *See over there on the park bench, give that homeless person your lunch. He's not eaten today. *Smile at people--because you love me. *Sing because you are my light to others. *Love on everyone you meet, the cashier, people at work, the little ones, your difficult relative, boss, co-worker. *Take a meal to your new neighbors, welcome them. *Call your sister. Pray with her, she's going through a rough patch. *Invite the young mother you met at church to your house for coffee; she's struggling and frazzled. It would mean a lot to her. *Time to get involved with the city park cleanup. *Share Christ with your grandpa. He's ready to listen now. *You really should make that call. *Mop the floor, clean toilets, wash dishes for Me and with a cheerful attitude. *Give thanks for My provision. *You need to forgive her, it's robbing your joy. *Stop complaining, it's finding fault with what I have made. *Pray for one hour every day for the needs in your family, country, world. And so the unconventional Christian life goes.

Want to have an unconventional spiritual life? Start listening to the Holy Spirit and follow the prompts. You'll be blessed (and surprised).

Dearest Father in heaven, it is joy to serve You. You receive the glory in all. Praise You. May Your love flow freely in all we do. Amen

To God be the Glory

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