Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A 'Let's Get Real' Conversation -- Inspiration 38

Finding God in the Daily

It's Not Too Late

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
Mark 16:15  NASV

We think the time has passed, but thinking like that is in error. Christians have a mission to speak life to others. It is up to them to get past shut doors to enter the public arena.

PEOPLE BELIEVE what they want to believe even if it isn't true. For them, validity comes when others agree with them or they agree with others. The more they hear a set view the more they believe it is true until someone upsets the apple cart. Beliefs are that way. Some current spiritual beliefs are out of sync with culture at large. Christianity, for instance, has lost favor these days.

Many are conditioned to hold Christian belief in contempt. Recent church scandals shore up this thinking to some degree. I believe some of this suspicion is the fault of Christians for not being salt and light in the world, and some of it thrives in a cultural system that denigrates Christian belief as contemptible nonsense. A lack of Christian love towards others makes the gospel unreadable for persons without faith. (How we need people who walk the walk like Keith Green did.)

Instead of going into hiding, I sincerely believe the bearers of the message of Christianity need to find a better way to communicate its truth to the masses. Let's look at Christ's actions. Jesus stood up to the bullies, called a spade, a spade, helped the poor, loved the unlovely, ministered to the spiritually hungry, and was true to His Father in Heaven. He was a man on a mission and wouldn't take any guff. Jesus was gentle in spirit and welcomed the children. His compassion and truth-talk defined Him.

Maybe more people would be challenged in their fixed beliefs about Christianity if  they could actually see the God-person of Christ in His followers. Maybe the skeptics would be impressed by the warmth of the gospel and in the Christ-followers. Maybe, just maybe, Christians can learn how to articulate the message of life in a way that people can hear, to a world that desperately needs it--that's on life support--that needs a hope and a promise for a better tomorrow. Christ promises living water for those who are thirsty. Are you thirsty? Quench your thirst in Christ. Come alive. Be blessed.

Dear Father God, Your message is life. We pray for those who can't hear Your message. May we articulate it to others in a way they can receive. May we be love to all. Amen

To God be the Glory

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