Monday, March 11, 2019

Mind Reform -- Inspiration 29

Reforms of the Mind are Possible

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, 
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, 
whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.
Philippians 4:8  NIV

The mind is where decisions are made. It is powerful and has the power to make or break us in our spiritual lives.

THE MIND acts like a control center that directs incoming and outgoing traffic. It deciphers, decodes and makes sense of what comes in and what goes out. It works efficiently or inefficiently according to variant factors and stimuli. What is for sure, the mind is always busy doing its job. It constantly sorts, absorbs, decides, judges, compartmentalizes, likes, dislikes, considers, memorizes and so forth. In addition to the normal cause and effect, subliminal messages also give and leave impressions on the mind in addition to other influences. Some of these press the emotions into formulating a response. One has to be careful when evaluating content that is opinion-based. Cognitive functions interact with the message's suggestion.

For the Christian, the need to align beliefs and Scriptural teachings with life is paramount to God-centered spiritual growth. Wrong thinking and harmful considerations affect the whole person, in their emotions, intellect, and behavior. What goes in, then comes out. Positive behaviors are learned as well. Fill the mind with what is pure, healthy and good, what is honoring to God, and the outcome is to the positive and spiritual. To reform the mind of the presence of any internalized wrong-mindedness requires a vigilant, conscious effort to flush out what is not okay to fill up on what is okay. God empowers the refining.

There is a shortcut that facilitates this process in an easier manner. Those who seek God with their whole heart and God becomes close to them are sensitive to things of God and more aware of their own spiritual condition. It is like a flashlight turns on to highlight what needs to change. The mind then engages with their inner culture. That is one of the ways this sensitivity is developed. The Holy Spirit is involved in the enabling of God-actualized behaviors, where God leads and the Spirit influences an action.

Dear Father, help us to desire what You desire. Bring us in to a right relationship with You. Amen.

To God be the Glory 

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