Friday, March 22, 2019

The Stuff of Real Life: Intervention, no. 1 -- Inspiration 40

  Interventions are the Stuff of Real Life

Finding God in the Daily

Commit your way to the Lord; 
trust in him, and he will act.
Psalm 37:5
Who needs a spiritual intervention? Most of us do. You may immerse yourself in your own personally motivated intervention. It may well be the best thing you ever do to get on the bright side of spirituality.

INTERVENTIONS have a purpose. In essence, they put their loved one on notice, to face it, change it, and improve it. Basically, a group stages an intervention to confront the issue and create awareness that something needs to change. Drug addictions and alcoholism are common causes for interventions. Interventions acknowledge the person’s struggle and demonstrate how it affects them and others.

An intervention is an effective 'Come to Jesus' moment with a come-along-side you-need-to-do-this approach.

A soul-changing intervention is for spiritual growth and any area that inhibits healthy spirituality. It provides a process to get to the heart of harmful issues and unhealthy bonds. Christians can be blind to their own stuff and unaware of areas that keep them in bondage. Friends, relatives, or God, may help them face their deal. God is good at this. He awakens people from their slumber.

God may initiate the intervention to address a problem and to show the hiding is over. As the result of a spiritual intervention, the individual takes steps to overcome it, take ownership of it, and institute a plan that aims to alter harmful behavior. The goal is to live free of its control and to become healthy and whole.

An intervention involves a plan of action and loving support. Those who intervene risk discomfort when they participate in an intervention to help their loved one. Their concern supersedes their own personal comfort. Participants encourage necessary changes and offer moral support. 

God is the same way with us.

God initiates an intervention by showing us where we are stuck. He works toward the goal and offers a path to freedom. By the way, this is quite doable. I've experienced it. God showed me what needed to change. Next I went about the business of changing it -- all the time asking Him to guide and help me.

To do this, you see the situation for what it is, and then become an active participant in your own transforming. Healing is accessed by a spiritual transforming in your interior life. This facilitates the ability to live life with spiritual acuity. A side benefit is you grow closer to God.

Dear Father, Help us. We need You to show us our lacks and our abilities. Give us courage to carry on and strength to meet our needs. Amen

To God be the Glory