Monday, April 15, 2019

Spiritual Cleansing: Forgiveness, Sorrow and Repentance

Looking in the Mirror

  Godly grief produces a repentance 
that leads to salvation without regret.
2 Corinthians 7:10

Forgiving others may lead to an awareness of missteps on our own part. 

FORGIVENESS comes when a right attitude is present. Saying the words. I forgive you, may mean little or a lot. It all depends. Are they heart-felt or unfelt, meant as truth or to appease, true words or false?

Forgiving has everything to do with
-the heart’s motivation,
     -the mind’s attitude,
           -the soul’s condition.

Unfair, unkind, or unloving treatment is quite difficult to release, let alone, to forgive! Harbored bitterness and resentments are a catalyst. They create unhealthy bonds to the person or said event where one was wronged, which resulted in an inability to live free. What to do?

True forgiveness takes a willingness to surrender the offense combined with an act of God’s mercy. In addition, we must ask God to reveal the truth about our own-self, where there is unforgiveness, ungratefulness, and bitterness in us.

Not only does one forgive the offender for their offense, but one should also acknowledge their own offenses.. They look to the past as they acknowledge any acts of unkindness or where they intentionally or unintentionally withheld acceptance, approval, and support. God uses his mirror of truth to reflect his image and to reveal any duplicit behavior in us. He desires us to be pure vessels for His service.

Sorrow for pain we have caused is another step toward true healing. It happened to me. God purified me through a process.

I was in a world of pain after my my mate left and our marriage disintegrated. It was easy to cast blame, but I was blind to my own actions. God began to reveal my part through the Spirit's bringing it to my awareness. It was as if God brought to the forefront the ways I had caused pain to my ex-mate, albeit unknowingly.

This caused a deep sorrow within me. I remembered those times I did not speak words of appreciation for gifts or deeds, which caused my tears to flow in unstoppable streams. I knew that I must speak words of apology and seek forgiveness.

A rich cleansing took place as godly sorrow which leads to repentance purified my inner person. It changed me. An amazing peace entered. I was free.

Dear Father God, you are so good to us. You redeem the past to set us free.

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