Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Learning in Spiritual Relationship: Intervention 19

 The Privilege of Learning from God

 Finding God in the Daily

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and lowly in heart
 and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29

Learning from Christ opens access to God and His truth.

WHEN WE REST, give it all to Him and let the other stuff go, those positive and negative things in our life---when we give to God
-our hopes,
     -our dreams,
          -our plans,
                -our desires,
                     -our wants,
                           -our wrong desires,,
                                 -our preoccupation with happiness and self-fulfillment
—then, and only then, will we truly learn of Christ.

This is not about listening, believing, or knowing all the right scriptures, correct theology, or scripted answers. It is about something else altogether. It is not about all of these for it is not just about knowing the right things. Learning from God is not knowledge in isolation. It is more intense. We can’t learn from Him very well until we surrender our us, our me that is occupying the throne of our life.

For our spiritual union with God to grow, we learn to abandon ourselves to Him, until it is God occupying the throne of our life. This often requires a frequent submitting of our will to Him. When we do so, it changes the whole spiritual dynamic we have with God.

You may know how to climb a mountain using crampons and ropes and all the right tools for mountain climbing, but until you actually climb the mountain with these tools, it has just been an exercise in mental preparation. We don’t become a mountain climber until we climb the mountain. We can know all about loving God and following God, but until we begin to love God and follow God in our daily reality, we have not done it. Close fellowship with God must become part of us for it to be real in us.

This opens a capacity within us to hear God and internalize His plans for us.

We learn His daily purposes and not just the long-term plans. God removes the dross, the many, many foreign particles that don’t belong in our lives which deflect from His life living prominently in us.

Learning is a consecration process, not something we seek externally by adding on. Rather, it is allowing God to meet us where we are at spiritually. This is an internal changing whereby God's life becomes a well-spring inside us where He releases His cleansing fountain to make us into pure vessels, full of grace and truth. We then have Christ’s stamp, His identifying mark, for all to see. 

In a surrendered life there is a greater capacity to learn from Him, and of Him, as the King James Version says it. God is more fully active in the mind and heart. In submitting to God and to His yoke, a yielded spiritual life thereby allows a transforming to take place and undergoes what that process entails. God revolutionizes a willing, dependent, spiritual being.

Learning of Christ then becomes a way of living life. Focused Christians are in a constant state of interactive dependence on God in a loving, reciprocal, living relationship. This Christian won’t stop growing and changing because they're loving it and loving God.

Nothing can stop this new way of living  
-unless the Christian turns away,
     -quits yielding to God,
           -and returns to being their own source and guide.

Once close intimacy of relationship with God is well established, it is rare to turn away. Christians are children with a beloved, kind, and caring father. At this stage of learning, they begin to know God in an ever-expanding awareness. Something has awakened in them, in us, that responds to God with pure love.

They have crossed over. 

Spiritual life is now lived out of love instead of duty. Through the joining of God with human, the journey enlivens and breaks free of formal spiritual conventions. Spiritual life is no longer religion or beliefs, it is you and God and God and you, formed and joined in loving relationship. These believers answer to God first before all else.

To God be the Glory

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