Monday, October 19, 2020





THE FAITH JOURNEY takes you down side eddies and trends in fits and starts, like Y's in a road. You are stopped. You consider. You pray. You choose a direction, that is, until you come to the next big thing. One spiritual discovery, which started when I was in my forties, is that a life dedicated and fully surrendered to God will go His way, not your way. You can't foresee what God wants to teach you or how He wants to use you. They come at you and then they become like markers in a road less traveled. God draws you close and closer as He teaches you more and more. Throughout this process you become more like Christ.


In 2008 I made a major directional change that, in retrospect, opened a previously unknown door wide open. This caused me to see and know in ways that fundamentally changed my perceptions and point of view. Then this, in turn, altered my view of Christianity as it relates to Christ's Church. 

I first stepped into this with a visit to an Anglican church that holds a traditional view of Scripture. The liturgy moved my spirit in a strange way though I was kicking and screaming, no, no, no, that's not right, inside of me. I didn't believe they were accurate in their interpretation of biblical truths. A year later I was on an eye-opening search comprised of orthodox, catholic, and episcopal beliefs. I wanted to know where there was unity--if there was unity--and I asked God to show me. 

A decade before this I had been on another search. That time I wanted to know Christ; I asked Him to teach me. And He did. I have never been the same. I love Him in a personal way as a result of seeking Him without reservation. That's when God showered me with His love and became Lord of my life. 

Now I was on a new search to know His Church wherever and however I would encounter it.

I look back and am amazed by the way books and people came into my life with little effort on my part. I became aware of my own ignorance as to the global Church and the limitations of my past, narrow view as a Protestant Evangelical. I read Augustine of Hippo, G.K. Chesterton, Thomas Merton, Thomas a Kempis, Brother Lawrence, St. Ignatius, Hannah Whitall Smith, Annabelle Skarin, mystics like Julian of Norwich and modern day contemplatives like Carl McColman, and more. I knew so little. I'd heard Augustine mentioned for as long as I could remember but knew next to nothing about him nor his role in church history. For someone who loved God, my naivete concerning these things was appalling.  


I stepped out and left my preconceptions about Catholicism behind. I'd been taught about the errors, warned about the rituals and their beliefs, now I would see it up close for myself. I made weekly visits to a Trappist monastery, a place where the peace astounded as it enveloped my being. Some of what I learned and experienced was life-changing and exploded my prior understandings. I took notes, compiled my thoughts into a notepad. 

I met with a hermit monk, who was theologian, priest, teacher, and confessor, who had known Thomas Merton. In a beautiful meeting of the minds, he and I talked it through. We discussed our church traditions, differences, and similarities.I had read a couple of his books, and he had read my book, which I had left with personnel for him a few months before. He was the most joyous person I have ever met. Our conversation is a cherished highlight in my life.

The whole matter was like entering an alternate universe by seeing Christ in the forefront in a new, expansive, and impactful way. I sensed a greater reverence for the holy writ and the Eucharist, far different from my Protestant roots. This resonated in my spirit. Still, it was all about Christ. My faith and beliefs expanded remarkably as grace and connection, peace and goodness, flowed in and through me.


Though I remain Protestant in my spiritual practices, beliefs, traditions, doctrinal positions, and theology, I have greater charity toward the Church at large and more understanding as to my part in it. I look at the identity in Christ factor, the love for others' factor, and the spiritual motivation factor. Church unity is found in Christ alone, see Ephesians 4. I now get why C.S. Lewis wrote as he did. He didn't want to alienate any Christ followers who believed somewhat different than him in matters of biblical interpretation, some doctrinal positions, and some church traditions. I believe he understood what was at stake, where divisive shunning becomes the rule rather than the gathering around the cup and body of Christ, which should be the way. 

Like the example set before me, I also have tried to model that way of sharing Christ in my writings. I want people to know Christ, first and foremost, and to love Him with all their heart, mind, and soul.

C.S. Lewis had something to say and he said it. I, too, have something to say that is worth saying. Christ is the answer. He offers life to the soul. He forgives, redeems, and heals. He offers life to all who believe. His love is transformative. Christ's life in His followers is broken bread and poured out wine.


1.You will not be sorry if you ask God to teach you. 

2. You will not be sorry if you ask God to reveal Himself to you. 

3. You will not be sorry if you surrender your way to God's way. 

True, living, authentic relationship with God takes the burden off you as you give your desires to God. You can have intimate fellowship with God that speaks life to your soul. Give your life to God. Accept Christ's offer of salvation. For the already spiritually reborn, stop living a scripted Christian life. 

1. Let Christ flow unrestrained in and through you. 

2. Embrace all that He offers you. 

3. Open your life to His leading.

Allow newness to enter. Let Jesus change you as He wills (this is a hard saying). Give Him full access to your life. Such is the abundant life in Christ. 

Christ is the answer. Love is the medium. Grace is the freeing agent.

I wish you well on your spiritual journey.


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Meditation 2


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