Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Your Place in the Cosmos

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
 “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 7:11

You Have a Unique Part to Play

YOU ARE IN THE STORY. You are. You are an active participant, not as an observer but as a living, breathing, genuine, God-designed being. You have a gift that only you can give. You have a song that only you can sing. You have a message that only you can impart. 

This is your destiny. You are defined by your unique, God-given purpose. 

Before we were formed in our mother’s womb, God had a plan for each one of us. He put eternity in our hearts. God has a plan and a future for you, and he has a separate plan and future for me. God’s plan for us is our personal and spiritual destiny, combined into one. Our destiny is our number one purpose for living. Discover your purpose and you will know why you are here in the cosmos.

Be who you are meant to be. It is a waste of time and energy to build a false persona.

Find out who you are and then center yourself in this knowledge, your destiny. Stop trying to be someone you aren't and never will be, and stop trying to be like other people or like that other person you idolize. You never were meant to be those other people or like that other person. Be you.

God gave you your identity. Ask him to guide and direct in your pursuit of knowing him.  

The more you know God, the more you will know yourself (and your purpose). God has answers to our questions. When we begin to listen, when we pursue a living spirituality, when we make sacrifices of any personal, self-made ambitions, then we are able to come a little closer in understanding our own unique purpose. Let God in to help and guide you. Allow him access to your real self.

Your life will take on greater meaning and substance. You won't be sorry. Come alive.

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