Friday, June 22, 2018

WHAT ROCKS? A Spiritual Awakening

 Spiritual life has the power to rock your world.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. ---John 10:10

Deeper Spiritual Life is the Abundant Life


I didn't tap into the deeper spiritual life until I was in my late forties. It rocked my world.

How do we get to where our spirituality becomes real, deep, life-giving and free? The process is one of going from "doing" religiously to one of "being" authentically.

When troubles come, we can be decimated by the events. But, but . . . but what does that say about our spirituality? You and I can live through events on two levels, human vs spiritual, but it is best when they are blended together as one.

Our spiritual journey begins with a decision to believe, accept, and acknowledge belief in God, Christ, and salvation. This is a "by faith" transaction, choosing to believe by faith in the gospel, and accept the salvation offered to us -- whereby we receive redemption for our soul. Our soul awakens.

A baby is born ready to be shaped, loved, and nurtured. They grow and become within the context of human stepping stones on their way to becoming a functioning adult.

Spiritual life has its own stepping stones to mature spirituality. The place of worship, study of scripture and doctrine, dedication of heart and mind to truth, obedience to the Savior, Father God, and Holy Spirit--are all part of the spiritual path.

The issue is this. All those good endeavors may miss the point--and they have made many a Pharisee--when they may miss the mark of what it is to be enlivened spiritually. What is missing is a pursuit of God in a living and breathing relationship with him, formed within the context of becoming Christ-like.

We are "becoming" Christ-like through a constant growing relationship with the Divine. When we are connected through the heart with the Savior, we begin living in him, not living intellectually in him--although we are intellectually stimulated by this holy alliance.

Here is the secret. Christ's life awakening in us changes us into living, authentic spiritual beings.

Here's how it's done. To get there takes stripping away all our arguments and biases to look fully on the Savior. We open our mind, heart, and soul to God. We let him teach us and reveal his love and kindness, truth, and character to us, day after day.

His life will rock you. Get alone with God and use this time to focus your thoughts on him, his word, and his truth. Let his being ripple in you. Do this without preconceived conventions and barriers. This will awaken your soul into the deeper spiritual life--where one lives and thrives, where one experiences the greater love and being.

The problem is, it is easier to live our spiritual lives in our own strength, with its limited parameters and rigid beliefs. Christ came to free us from that way of thinking and living. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

This spiritual life is known by its life-giving qualities. Spirituality that is centered in Christ is known by its love, humility, purity, and strength. This kind of spiritual life is liberally living within a sense of "being" through an interactive walk with God.

Here's the deal. The joy, peace, love, and spirituality that I mentioned in last week's writing is not automatic for any of us, but it is possible for all of us. It is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you.

True spirituality is commiserate with an interactive relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit through praying, listening, and pursuing living relationship. I find it easiest to do in the silences, in nature, in a room by myself, alone with my own thoughts, centered and focused on the Divine. Prayer, scripture, and meditation facilitate this process.

Our anchor in life is in the One who is the Anchor. The deeper our relationship, the more assurance we have during all our moments, even those with adverse circumstances.

 Spiritual life when lived well is peace-giving, strong, loving, and kind. I no longer worry if I'm living my spiritual life in a right way. The living relationship with God is life-giving and real. He ministers to me and teaches me. In the process, I am becoming more fully his. He is my light and life-giver. I am blessed. This is a beautiful way to live every day.

This is my wish for you.

Any questions?

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