Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Let not your heart be troubled.

 Ye believe in God, believe also in me. . . .

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. . .

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

These words Christ spoke to his disciples, to comfort them, to prepare them, to encourage them. He knew that soon He would be leaving them. No longer would He be with them in physical form. This would be difficult for them, they were used to following Him not being independent of Him, it would be a new way of walking in the way of faith. They would need to trust in Him even more once His physical presence departed. They can't imagine life without Jesus. Christ is reassuring them, He wants his disciples to know that He always will be with them, still active in helping them, to not be afraid of this for they can access this peace He is saying will become theirs.

It is hard to trust when we are afraid of the unknown, when we've come to depend on others.

Jesus Christ promises us hope and help. He is the way and the truth. He shepherds his flock of vulnerable sheep. Christ offers peace when it's easier to become troubled. He says, No, don't let your heart be troubled and don't let it be afraid. I am with you. He is with us in the storm, and He says, "Peace, be still." Then He stills the storm and the sea is as glass. The miracle of God's grace enacted on behalf of His loved ones.

It is true, #Christ is with us. He keeps us when we are falling apart, uncertain, and afraid. His hand is extended toward us. It is we who must reach out to grasp His Hands, to reach out to His love, forgiveness, guidance, and strength. To be like Peter and say, "Save me!" when the waves are crashing and pulling us under the water.

Jesus saves. I can personally attest that this is true. Not only in offering us salvation for our souls, but in saving us in the troubling circumstances of life.

Let not your heart be troubled, 
                                     neither let it be #afraid.  Amen

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