Monday, June 3, 2013



Lilac bushes at the home place, 2012.

“This is what the LORD says:

‘Stand at the crossroads and look;

ask for the ancient paths,

ask where the good way is, and walk in it,

and you will find rest for your souls.’

But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’”
                                                  Jeremiah 6:16

Where is the good way? We come to various crossroads in our lives, time and time again. Choices need to be made. What should one do? There’s this and that, and that and this. Sometimes lists are made. The positives are thought and considered, the negatives are thought and considered. If it is a spiritual matter, it is of great concern. When it is a major decision like choice of college, career, or employment, the crossroad is a major intersection. “Lord, where is the good way?” One choice can become one of on-going repercussions throughout a life time, significant even if little concern is given to its consideration. Relationships can be this way. They have crossroads too, where choices must be made. These are not always easy to determine ‘the good way.’

As I write this, it is the time of year of graduations. Over the years I have been to many of them: pre-school, kindergarten, sixth grade, middle school, high school, college/university, master’s and doctoral ceremonial events. Often for the person, the next step is under consideration. Where is the good way? is being asked. God says, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it.” So once the asking is finished, the course is determined as a wise choice (the ancient paths), it is then to be faithfully undertaken. When it is walked in accordance to God’s ways, there will be a sense of rest, the soul will have a sense of rightness. The resting is active and it is peaceful. Jeremiah the prophet, wrote these words. I find them to be easy to visualize. The crossroads in life, and choices that have been made by me, are most easy to see looking back at them. Most have turned out differently than expected. Being at a crossroads is an interesting place to be for any person. Sometimes it is at this juncture where faith becomes sight.

Then Jeremiah stated the unfortunate part, the people of Israel made a wrong choice. They did not choose the good way nor did they follow the ancient paths. They did it their way. The words seem to have a bit of defiance in them, an emphatic statement.“We will not walk in it.” Even before one leaves high school behind, choices are being made. Significant choices as to how one is going to live their lives. It begins very early in a life. “Where is the good way?” Asking this type of question will keep the error of false living at bay. It is like looking in the mirror and seeing the truth of who we are. Cutting corners in our spiritual life can be revealed, things like where we are dishonest or self focused and have not realized it. Societal mores will be in opposition to this type of trajectory. For society is not in favor of the ‘good path.’ It is in favor of ‘the end justifies the means.'

I prayed this verse this morning. I asked God to show me the good way. Why should I pray this at this stage in my life? Very simple, really. I don’t always know what God has for me or what is the right way in a given situation. Sometimes there are two ‘rights’ at a crossroads. I must choose the one God says is right for the path He is opening up for me. It may be the road less traveled, making all the difference.

In the praying of these words with a sincere heart, ‘show me where the good way is’ , I will myself to know God’s way. In His response to me, I center myself in His divine will.

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