Wednesday, June 17, 2020



You have only one life.

I have shared my life with you that it might shed light on the past, on the present, and on the richness of living an intimate life with the Triune God. Life has much to offer the human race.

Life would pass you by without making a dent on your soul, should you not open your heart to the beauty of the natural world, the inner world, and the God world. 

All three impact your soul.

Darkness and evil have tried to choke out the goodness in life like how weeds choke out a fruit bearing crop. One has to push back, fight against the wrong to encourage the right, the best.

What I have written is my attempt to brighten the corner where I am so that it might brighten the corner where you are. Your conscience will be awakened or it will be darkened. 

It is up to you.

Influences impact choices. Choices impact futures. Futures impact the world to come. I think life is worth fighting for, and the future is worth saving. True good gives goodness to the world.

All the natural goods are gifts from God that make life one of beauty. Injuries, hardships, and pain come to everyone. Joy, peace, and love offset life’s tragedies as hope springs eternal. 

A life awakened to God is the song of a soul enlivened and set free.

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