Thursday, February 21, 2019

Heart Belief -- Inspiration 11

Belief Takes Many Shapes

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10:9-10. NIV

YOU believe a chair will support your weight when you sit in it. You believe this because it is a known fact. The chair is sturdy and in good repair. It gets the job done. In that case, belief is based on what is known, tested, tried. Besides the known facts, much of belief is based on what a person has been taught, their familial beliefs, cultural beliefs, national beliefs and even spiritual beliefs. Many beliefs go through changes as more is discovered about the 'why' in life. In the spiritual, God draws the individual to Himself.  His Word draws them. His teachings illumine them. His Spirit strives with them. God persists but doesn't force. Belief based in the knowledge of God and His ways may contribute to their understanding of spiritual truth. But a leap of faith is taken as the person knows in their heart that this is true, that God is real, that God is interested in their soul and being. Genuine heart belief is a 'knowing,' through and through. Like C.S. Lewis said, he knew it was true (not fanciful imaginations). The first step is to by faith believe there is a God. Second is to believe God loves in a personal way. Third, is to by faith believe and trust God. Heart belief is genuine.  

Dear Father God, I believe in You. You are real. We sense Your divine presence here with us. How pleased we are that You are with us throughout every day. Praises! Amen

To God be the Glory

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