Life is hard. I hear people say that statement, and I say it. Life IS hard. There's no way to get around it. But God is good. My mind thinks that thought as the answer to the equation. Two big truths connected together by an unseen thread, one conjunction that brings the two side by side. Life is hard BUT God IS good.
All I know in my human limitations is that every time I go through hard times I draw upon God to help me get through them and grow in the process. He carries me along, sees my tears, gives me hope, and blesses me in the process. That's being a good Father God. I never welcome the struggle and I complain more than I should, but I'm never alone.
I asked an elderly lady how she was doing. She said, "I'm upright." Yes, some days it is that way. We are hanging in there and pushing through. God is pushing with us, the unseen partner that we call upon time after time. Some days he seems more distant, that is where trust comes in. He teaches us to trust him for the journey. Later on, we look back and are amazed that we made it through. Praises and more praises.
The deeper we go with God, the more we center our thoughts and being in him, the more we will know his blessed peace in the middle of a storm. He calms the storm with "Peace be still." I know it's true. He's been that for me. New challenges keep coming, and I am stretched a bit further in a new direction. Life is hard but God is good. He teaches me how to handle these new dynamics and disappointments. He is my best friend throughout it all. I love him.
God bless you today